Contribute to Osclass

Contributing to Osclass

We are glad to hear you want to contribute to the Osclass project. Osclass is an open source solution for your classifieds site, developed by and for its users, like you. There are several ways to help Osclass grow and improve, even if you don't know to code, you could still help Osclass.


Documentation is done by everyone who wants to do it! This documentation is available on our public GitHub Repo


Support Forums

Users' participation and involvement are essential to maintain our support forums.

Currently we do not have any official forums but you can get help at which is an active public forum with active community.

We will update this list here if we found more places where you can actively seek or give support.


Do you know PHP, JS or MySQL? Get involved in Osclass development. Help us write code, add features and fix bugs!

Visit our GitHub project and check out our repositories. You can sign in and help us improve our core, themes or plugins. The best way to do this is through “Pull request” and help us fixing bugs by applying changes to the code. For any doubt, look up the help section for any doubt.

Testing Osclass

Even if you don’t know to code, you can also contribute to Osclass. You can help us test the previous releases of Osclass as well as our themes and plugins.

Reporting bugs/suggest features

Want to suggest improvements or new functionalities? . Have you encountered a bug or want to suggest any other improvement? Open an issue on GitHub.

Tell your friends about Osclass

We will be happy if you tell your friends about Osclass, share a link or display a small banner on your site. More users -> stronger community -> better Osclass!


Osclass is and will always be free,. Sending money to Osclass developers is another way to support the community. If any theme or plugin makes your life a little bit easier, contact the author and show your support. Sometimes developers just need to hear users are happy to use their plugins/themes.

Last updated

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