Disable Upgrade page

function customHead(){    ?>    <script type="text/javascript">        $(document).ready(function() {            $("#steps_div").hide();        });    <?php    $perms = osc_save_permissions();    $ok    = osc_change_permissions();    foreach($perms as $k => $v) {        @chmod($k, $v);    }    if( $ok ) {    ?>        $(function() {            var steps_div = document.getElementById('steps_div');            steps_div.style.display = '';            var steps = document.getElementById('steps');            var version = <?php echo osc_version(); ?>;            var fileToUnzip = '';            steps.innerHTML += '<?php echo osc_esc_js( sprintf( __('Checking for updates (Current version %s)'), osc_version() )); ?> ';​            $.getJSON("https://osclass.org/latest_version_v1.php?callback=?", function(data) {                if(data.version <= version) {                    steps.innerHTML += '<?php echo osc_esc_js( __('Congratulations! Your Osclass installation is up to date!')); ?>';                } else {                    steps.innerHTML += '<?php echo osc_esc_js( __('New version to update:')); ?> ' + oscEscapeHTML(data.version); + "<br />";                    <?php if(Params::getParam('confirm')=='true') {?>                        steps.innerHTML += '<img id="loading_image" src="<?php echo osc_current_admin_theme_url('images/loading.gif'); ?>" /><?php echo osc_esc_js(__('Upgrading your Osclass installation (this could take a while):')); ?>';​                        var tempAr = data.url.split('/');                        fileToUnzip = tempAr.pop();                        $.getJSON('<?php echo osc_admin_base_url(true); ?>?page=ajax&action=upgrade&<?php echo osc_csrf_token_url(); ?>' , function(data) {                            if(data.error==0 || data.error==6) {                                window.location = "<?php echo osc_admin_base_url(true); ?>?page=tools&action=version";                            }                            var loading_image = document.getElementById('loading_image');                            loading_image.style.display = "none";                            steps.innerHTML += $("<div>").text(data.message).html();+"<br />";                        });                    <?php } else { ?>                        steps.innerHTML += '<input type="button" value="<?php echo osc_esc_html( __('Upgrade')); ?>" onclick="window.location.href=\'<?php echo osc_admin_base_url(true); ?>?page=tools&action=upgrade&confirm=true\';" />';                    <?php } ?>                }            });        });    <?php } ?>    </script>    <?php}osc_add_hook('admin_header','customHead', 10);
<?php if( $ok ) { ?>    <p class="text">        <?php printf( __('Your Osclass installation can be auto-upgraded. Please, back up your database and the folder oc-content before attempting to upgrade your Osclass installation. You can also upgrade Osclass manually, more information in the %s'), '<a href="http://doc.osclass.org/">Wiki</a>'); ?>    </p><?php } else { ?>    <p class="text">        <?php _e("Your Osclass installation can't be auto-upgraded. Files and folders need to be writable. You can apply write permissions via SSH with the command \"chmod -R a+w *\" (without quotes) or via an FTP client, it depends on the program so we can not provide more information. You can also upgrade Osclass by downloading the upgrade package, unzipping it and replacing the files on your server with the ones in the package."); ?>    </p><?php } ?>
<p class="text">    <?php _e('Congratulations! Your Osclass installation is up to date!'); ?></p>

Last updated

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